To whom be glory forever. Amen. Romans 11:36b
What is it about suffering that causes it to be about pain and agony? Maybe the pain and agony itself? Maybe the fact is because it is happening with our own physical body, we cannot escape? Or maybe because it is tangible, in the here and now, it demands the immediate and most attention?
Suffering is not easy. Not for the faint of heart and definitely not something you want added to your already busy and full life. It tries everything, causes one to question and doubt, puts your life on hold. Holding onto hope becomes essential and paramount in your (and my) walk with God.
Unless, we seek to glorify God in, through and with it.
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (emphasis mine)
God is Sovereign and He allows suffering to come into our lives – everything has to filter through His loving hand.
Though He brings grief, He will show compassion, so great is His unfailing love. For He does not willingly bring affliction or grief to children of men.
Lamentations 3:32-33
Who can speak and have it happen if the LORD has not decreed it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?
Lamentations 3:37-38
This being the case, He is "well aware of the situation" (to quote my dad). He is not shocked by our suffering, our sleepless nights. He is more than tuned into our pain. He is next to us in the yoke, He is in front of us, leading us on the right path. He is carrying us through the valley as mentioned in Psalm 23:4 because there is an element in the Hebrew word for walk (yaw-lak) which can denote being carried. Isn't that like our Shepherd to carry us in the valleys, rough patches, difficult times in our lives?

So, the choice is up to us – those of us who suffer. Are we going to glorify God in the midst of suffering or choose to look at self, circumstances, pain, delayed dreams, or life changes?
I’ll admit it is very hard to be forced to stay in a hospital bed for what seems like forever. Or to be confined to a chair for years. Or be tethered to an oxygen tank for life. No one intentionally signs up for these things. And yet, we live in a broken world and stuff happens.
It is how we respond to the situation, trauma, suffering, that matters. And it’s how we keep responding. Initially we tend to have shock, and with that numbness we are able to soldier on for a while. But after a time, we are so over it, but when in reality we may not be – over it.
Having had my life turned upside down, spent years in my room, confined to a chair, or in the house, but with feet elevated for hours – I get it. Truly.
Oh, I do get out. But it’s to a minimal walking place, usually someone else drives, or I decline invitations, events, and outings. My life is centered close to home, without normal chores or normal things.
I’d like to say how relaxing it’s been, but that would not be truthful. Many have said to me how they envy the quiet, the less responsibilities, the ability to sit and be still.
On the surface, it does sound delicious. Like a vacation.
But, can I have a vacation from my vacation? I mean, seriously?
How can I glorify God in the daily grind of suffering? How can I look beyond these 4 walls and invite Him in? How can I praise Him throughout the long haul of suffering?
I can’t. But Jesus in me can.
Yes, Jesus, do the work because I truly want to glorify Your Father with this suffering. It’s not about me anyway. It’s about Him. Let it be so.
Father, thank You for the privilege to glorify You in my suffering. May I continue to have this as my center in this suffering – to honor and glorify Your name in all things. Strengthen me to give You this desire of my heart. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus. AMEN.

Have you checked out this new feature, here on this website? Tuesdays are the days they are posted.
Having felt led by God to do these one page/graphic Bible studies, I have learned so much. And, what is even more a God-thing - He is using them internationally!
By stepping out in faith, we can honor Him in so many ways.
Because of Jesus.