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Writer's picture: Kerry Sue TeravskisKerry Sue Teravskis

At this rate they were afraid we would soon be driven against the rocks along the shore, so they threw out four anchors from the back of the ship and prayed for daylight.  Acts 27:29 NLT


You know the drill – STOP, DROP, ROLL.  We practice so in the event of a fire we can act and act quickly.  It becomes muscle memory. 

The anxiety it produces, the racing heartbeat, the need for quick reflexes and good decision making skills - these all make for good practice and hopefully good outcomes in the event of an actual fire.


That’s ok for a fire in a classroom, but what about a fire in real life or a raging storm?  Not necessarily a physical one, but one keeping us spinning, swirling, looking for answers. Storms of illness, broken marriages, financial distress. Loss - excruciating loss. Even storms or fires with multiple waves with no end in sight. Years of pain, suffering, longing, brokenness?


Paul and his companions were trying to make it to Rome, but a fierce storm was at hand causing them to be dangerously close to the rocky shoreline.  They had done all the fighting against it, these seasoned sailors.  The situation was dire, and they knew it. 

For these sailors, storms were common place. Ordinary. And they knew the drill. They knew their part in a storm. But this one was different - more intense, more challenging. More out of the ordinary.


Anchors can be used as a parking brake or a drag net.  This time called for the drag net.  They needed to not crash against the rocks, but the storm was fierce – enough to have even the sailors afraid.  Out came the anchors, four of them, and they were thrown off the stern.  Can’t you just hear the rattling chains and the kerplunk of each anchor as it was thrown out?

They threw everything they had at it - and decided to wait it out. Nothing else could be done.


Do you have a storm in your life?  Raging, surging, plummeting you awfully close to menacing rocks?  Are you at the end of your rope, so to speak?  What four anchors can you throw off the stern to keep you anchored in Christ?

How about:


Faith (Mark 11:22).  Stillness (Psalm 46:10).  Worship (Psalm 150).  Read and meditate on Scripture (Psalm 119:11). These come to mind.  As well as prayer (Philippians 4:6), belief (Matthew 6:25-34), pleasing God (Romans 14:18).

What does the anchor faith look like? If it has not been used before it will be new, untested. Sometimes this anchor needs to be put to use in a 'small' storm, so it can be thrown in for a much larger one. For example: a rough financial month. Just one month, then you are back on track. You prayed for the bills to be paid by the end of the month, you made a few less personal purchases (i.e., less coffees), but overall, you made it and you were thankful it was a short month (hello, February).

But, what happens when that month stretches to months, then possibly years? What happens when other storms come in the midst of the first one? It is here God is very much present in our lives - He is present always, but it is here, we tend to see Him more.

Because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance. James 1:3 NIV

Faith needs to be tried in order for it to grow. To show its meddle. As we see in James, it develops perseverance. That stick-to-it-no-matter-what attitude. Faith is believing what God says He will do. Period. It is the absolute assurance God is good and He is in control.

Easy to get to this point in your first storm? Maybe. But, not to worry. More storms come to give you opportunities to throw out more anchors.

Having just gone through almost 5 years of intense suffering, I threw out many anchors. Many times. The same ones, different ones. There were even times I let myself drift because I was tired of throwing out anchors, tired of figuring out which ones I needed to use. I was just tired of the affliction, pain and suffering.

But then God. Yes, He walked with me each step of those storms, those fires. He never failed me. I failed Him (truthfully). But He never let me go. He gently held me, led me, loved me - He is the Good Shepherd after all and He cares for me. He desires for me to dig deep into Him and to throw my anchors into Him - to put what I have right into Him. He is the one who calms the raging storms in my life. He is the only One who can.


What about you? What anchors will you drop of the stern of your boat?



Father God, storms are raging, and the shoreline is close.  Instead of fearing I will trust You because You are good.  As I drop my anchors in You, increase their strength and my faith to fully trust and believe in You, Your goodness, Your ways and Your leading.  AMEN

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