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Writer's picture: Kerry Sue TeravskisKerry Sue Teravskis

I am still confident I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13 NIV


It was Thursday, October 24, 2024 when God spoke.  And I did not believe Him.  I have since repented and truly believe He did heal me.  Again.


Yes.  I am healed of the:

4 year

8 months

19 days

Broken feet injury. 


Done.  Kaput.  Over.  No more.  I have been set free.


On that Thursday, I and my daughter had gone to see Lino (sports medicine doctor, super knowledgeable about the human body, one who correctly diagnosed me after myriads incorrectly attempted; one who we have been driving up to see frequently in the last 4+ years; one who has taped up the feet; consistently listened to my cries; one who encouraged me over and over to keep going; one who told me the finish line would come; one who encouraged me to write – because one can write from a chair).


Lino had noticed my feet were holding their own – in spite of the very painful knee problems I was dealing with because of the feet.  For about five weeks I was hobbling, icing, elevating and resting as the knee had cartilage problems, massive soreness, inflammation of the plica (did you know some of us have plica?).  Normally it fades as we age, but this zebra [along with 30% of the population],the plica in my knee area got inflamed which caused a host of issues.


One of them was not my feet.  They actually weathered the storm better than anticipated, in fact, no worse for the wear.


Lino said, “I am not going to even say anything because this does not make sense, nor can it be explained.”


That night I began to ponder and ask the Lord about it.  It was at this point He told me I was healed and to walk in it.  Folks, I did not believe Him.  I have even heard this voice before in my first healing (HERE for that story).


Fast forward to Sunday morning, 10.27.2024.  In my morning devotional time, the Lord spoke again (have I told you all I am a brat sometimes) with the same message.  And this is where it gets interesting.


I heard Him, but I actually said to Him – “Then would You please prove it to me because I do not feel any different.”


I know, I know.  I can be a brat.  Snarky and just plan childish.


God went above and beyond all that and showed me in His Word (which is what I was asking because I want my walk to be consistent with His Word) as well as the message and even the songs we were singing (in choir no less, as I sing in choir). 


  1. On the way to church John and I read -


I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.  Psalm 27:13  NIV


  1. The sermon was this verse –

And with your feet fitted with the gospel of peace.  Ephesians 6:15


It took me half way through the sermon to realize it was about feet and God was, indeed, speaking to me.


  1. On Monday, God showered me with –


But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31  NIV


Ok. I was listening.  And repenting.  And confessing the goodness of God.  I was in awe of this miracle, of Him, of His power, goodness and glory.


To be honest, it has taken the family (and myself) a bit to realize this is for real.  The impact this injury had on me and them was significant.  I spent a year in my room, in a chair.  I spent the better part of 4 years in that same chair, but with a little more flexibility.  I did not drive for 2+ years.  Walking in a store was gone.  Doing chores, cooking, cleaning – out. 


My family had to step in and do what I had been doing.  My youngest daughter, Abbey, decided, and in love, to be my caregiver.  We affectionately call her The Rock (a nod to Andy Griffith’s Aunt Bea and her stint as the jail house warden) and because of her loving care and sacrifice, my feet are intact.


My husband tirelessly drove me to Lino countless times.  And shelled out cash for each and every visit (important to note as this was all out of pocket, but not God’s pocket).  We would leave at 6:20 am and haul 40+ miles to Lino rain, shine, darkness or light.  We became friends with Lino and his staff – it’s weird to be friends with your medical team!! 


John learned to tape my feet in the in-between times of Lino.  He let go of dreams of hiking with me, driving places and going and doing.  He worked around my feet.  He got creative on how to include me in adventures.  I love my man and he stuck by me in this.  Thank you John, my love.


I did learn I could do things while sitting in a chair.  It was on Mother’s Day, 2020  (3 months post-injury), that God called me to write and to pick up my pen.  I obeyed.  And have been writing ever since.  And doing projects I never thought possible.


I have planned a Bible study, written multiple, planned 3 weddings, showers, parties, taught and administrated a women’s Bible study.  I have a new love for those of us who suffer.


My life is different and I will never be the same.


I thought I had enough confirmation from the Lord through His Word, but He is more than gracious to me.  Just about every day He gives me more.  Remember, I am the snarky one.  But, His goodness far outweighs my attitude.  And my heart has been in a posture of humility for days.  He is so.  Good.  To.  Me.


  1. This verse on Monday (November 11, 2024) –


Who is this coming up from the desert leaning on her Beloved? 

Song of Songs 8:5  NIV


  1. And this morning (Friday, November 15, 2024) –


The LORD is good.  Psalm 25:7  CRV


Yes, this last verse says it all.  He is good.  Even when our prayers are long, seemingly unanswered; they are heard.  And they do have a way of changing us and changing the heart of the Lord.


Little did I know when I wrote this devotional (on the day God spoke about healing me, that Thursday), I would be healed.  You can read RELENTLESS here. 


To say God speaks, hears, heals, cares, sees and knows, would be an true, but so minor compared to what He does as it is so much more.  Why do I doubt?  Why do we doubt?  I don’t know.  But, I will say, I am thankful He is moving, working and caring for His people.


What are you asking God to do?  Why not be relentless in your pursuit of Him.  Then sit back and watch Him. 


Because He is just as relentless in His pursuit of you.


Father, You are good. Amazing. Relentless. Powerful. Holy. Perfect. And You work in our lives. In my life. You do not have to heal. But You did. You do not have to dwell among us, but You are. Because of love. Yes, love. And I am thankful for that love. Because of it I am saved. The world has the gift of salvation offered to it. And we can be with You forever, whole, healed and near. Thank You Father.

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