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Writer's picture: Kerry Sue TeravskisKerry Sue Teravskis

Hold Thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto Thy statutes continually. Psalm 119:117 KJV

“Hoedju. Hoedju.” If you have had toddlers in your home, you most likely have heard this phrase. Say it out loud, and you’ll understand. All three of my toddlers would say this and I loved hearing it. Because it’s what they heard daily, and in their minds they thought when I asked, “Do you want me to hold you?” the words hold you were one word and it was how to ask for me to hold them.

Yes, it was backwards, but the memories are too sweet.

In studying about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, one sees a Name of God that is powerful and tender, mighty and compassionate.

“Abba, Father,” He said, “everything is possible for You. Take this cup from Me.

Yet not what I will, but what You will.” Mark 14:36

Jesus calls the Father, Abba, which is an Hebrew Aramaic word for Father. If you were to go to Jerusalem or be in a Hebrew home, the halls would ring out with “Abba.” This is the intimate name a child calls his father – Daddy. It’s not formal, stoic, starchy. It’s playful, loving and trusting.

In one of the most agonizing moments of Jesus’s life, He calls out to His Father with a tender name, Abba. Jesus is alone in the section of the garden; His disciples were spread out in 2 groups – a group of 8 farthest from Him and His 3 inner circle boys were closest. However, they were asleep.

Traditionally, prayers were prayed out loud, so if the disciples would have been awake they would have heard this incredibly intimate moment. A Son, fallen to the ground, crying out to His Father. The gut-wrenching cry of our Saviour was spoken out in His aloneness.

Have you ever been there? At this point? On your face, crying out, weeping, and asking, begging, pleading for your Daddy’s love and help?

I have.


The other night my heart was very heavy. It was one thing, it was a million things. I needed my Abba Daddy to hold me. I needed a hug, a warm embrace, I needed to feel His heart beat next to mine. I needed His nearness to calm my weary heart. I needed Abba.

As I cried out and I was held. My heart was in His hands. My whole frame was taken up in His loving arms and pressed closed to His breast. In that moment I was loved with a Daddy’s love – and it felt so good. I lingered. I gently wept. I savored the moment.

When God held me, I was delivered. My troubled heart became calm and I was restored to peace. My problems didn’t melt away, instead they faded to the background because I was in the arms of my Saviour. They paled in comparison to the vast greatness of my Abba Daddy. It doesn’t make sense really, but with God all things are possible (Luke 1:37).

Being held by God is our privilege as believers. We have instant access to Him:

Let us then approach the throne room of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find the grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

I needed His grace and mercy at that moment. And I received it immeasurably. I was satiated with His nearness. I could go to sleep knowing my Abba Daddy was near me, He was holding me and more than that – He was in me. His Holy Spirit is my Comforter who lives inside of my heart. So reassuring.

How about you? Are you needing a hug from your Abba Daddy? A deep satisfying embrace from the One who formed you and knows all there is to know about you and more? God loves us with our bumps, warts, imperfections. His loves covers these imperfections – Jesus had His moment in the garden because His blood would cleanse us from all sin.

Be bold in your approach to the throne of grace. Expect acceptance – it’s yours if you’ve acknowledge Christ as Lord. If not, why not? And it’s simple: ask, believe, confess. If we confess with our mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved (Romans 10:9). Maybe you need a restart or a renewal, or maybe you’re already in. Wherever you are – be bold and courageous.

His Abba father arms are waiting to hoedju.


Abba Father, I need Thee every hour. When I seem to be lost and scattered, I run to You because I need You to pick me up and hold me. I’m sorry for running off at times or filling my void with something other than You. You are my Abba and You know what I need – grace and mercy, love and forgiveness. Coupled with a warm, lasting embrace. I thank You for that. AMEN

This SONG brings me much comfort - in light of this post.


© 2024 Kerry Sue Teravskis

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