Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 NLT
In the last month, God has had me look deeply into this verse (along with verse 7). Maybe I am worrying more than I should, or maybe He is preparing me for something coming up (yikes), nonetheless, I was camped in Philippians for a nice long stay.

Worrying is as if by my chewing on a situation and looking at it from all angles will actually change something, no matter how minute. When the fact is, I cannot change anything. It is completely out of my hands, control, jurisdiction.
I think I just hit on something.
Who doesn’t like control? I mean, seriously, most of the folks I know like to have control of their lives and stuff around them – it’s normal. We like to control what we eat – choices abound and we have definite tastes. We like to dress ourselves in the clothes we bought. We like to read what we like and watch what we prefer. It’s our makeup.
Except when we get too controlling and run into trouble, a corner, in left field or out in the boonies. Not that I willingly like to state this, but by our ruminating on a situation, conversation, circumstance or problem, that rumination gives us a sense of control. Or maybe I am the only one that thinks this.
Take the feet.
Now that I am entering into a phase not expected by me, I was beginning to worry. Will my knees now be a problem because they are victims in this scenario? Will I have to have knee surgery down the road? Will this ever end?
Folks, this conversation was rolling around in my head on Tuesday. I had just seen Coach and while he was concerned about what he saw (sheen – which indicates inflammation), cartilage out of place on one knee and me in more pain, he didn’t freak out. No, that was me. I am the one who asked him more questions and got assurance that the ice on the knee will push the inflammation to be absorbed in my body, therefore rendering my knee fine.
So why did I waste time worrying, when…hello I had JUST finished writing a study on Philippians 4:6-7? (Feel free to print this new study, How Then Shall We Live. It is from my own journey with God and He wants me to share it with you.)
Instead of worrying, I should have gotten out the verse I memorized and applied it. Yes, instead pray. Tell God what I needed.
What did I need? Assurance that it would be ok. Hope that I will not be in this affliction forever, and peace that it will be over.
Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
God’s peace. Who is Jesus Christ, He is the Prince of Peace , and God is allowing us to experience (know, feel, understand, touch, etc.) Jesus.
How does one do this? Good question.
Surrender. Laying it all at the foot of the Cross, giving it to God and walking away. Not holding on because we have a better plan or option, but allowing God to take control because when we accepted His Lordship in our lives, that’s what we meant. It’s going back to the roots of our walk with Him and letting Him be Lord and submitting to His loving care and authority.
It's praying fervently, listening intently, walking purposefully with God.
Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Delight, in this verse in Hebrew can mean: to be soft, pliable, to be delicate, dainty.
Camp on that for a moment. Let this ruminate around your heart for a minute to get into all the nooks and crannies. When I am flexible (like Barbie), then He will give (add, set, stretch out, bestow, grant, permit, devote, permit, provide) me the desires of my heart.
I am going to pause a moment in this. ENDLESS PRAISE
My pliability has everything to do with the outcome of a situation. Wait. What? Yes, by not being rigid, stiff and controlling (remember our worrying?), I am where the Lord wants me to be, so then He can do a work. A good work.
You are good and do only good; teach me your decrees. Psalm 119:68 NLT
My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.
Psalm 119:71 NLT

What’s the bottom line? The takeaway? The application of Philippians 4:6?
Pray. Trust. Believe. Delight in the LORD. Recognize that suffering is allowed by the very hand of God because it produces fruit – obedience, reliance on God, a hunger for the Scriptures, peace.
Are you willing to pray instead of worrying? I am. And I do really mean it.
Father God, You are indeed good. You deserve my never-ending praise because You are Lord of my life; You are Lord of all. I release my worry. I humbly submit my stuff to You. All of it. I am done working it over. I trust You, fully and completely. May today be a marker in my life with You. One that loudly proclaims, "I trust God to care for my needs, my situation and I relinquish control." I place my heart in Your hands Lord. I stand in awe of Your holiness. Oh Lord, You are amazing. In the name of Jesus, Your Son. AMEN