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Writer's picture: Kerry Sue TeravskisKerry Sue Teravskis

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:25 (NIV)

How does one keep in step with recovering broken feet? If you know, please share, I am listening.

Seriously, this verse is not talking about literal walking but about walking life out with Jesus. And it is serious business.

In my current season of life, keeping in step has taken monumental effort because the distractions are real and they are fierce. Many ‘squirrels’ have been in my vision, peripheral and just in plain, obvious sight. It has been so easy to get side-tracked and lose copious amounts of time trying to crawl back from the labyrinth of meandering tunnels.

Keeping in step with the Spirit is a deliberate choice to follow; trust not in myself, but in God.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

I have this verse written out and for the last 4 months have been inserting my name because this is where the rubber meets the road. Where it all happens. Where it all begins: dying to self and our own desires. And self does not go down without a fight. Ask me, I know. It has been a bloody battle.


But my God is Victor and He is my Warrior God (Exodus 15:3), so the battle is already won.

Knowing this helps, but getting our minds in the real battle and not allowing ourselves to give up is a full time job. Consistently putting and keeping on our armor is a must. We are called to put it on and stand. And pray. We are not called to fight. We are called to stand and pray. (Ephesians 6:13-18). God is the Warrior, we are the soldiers marching in place, praying.

How is this possible? How do I know what to do, when? How can I keep in step when I am told to stand and pray?

It is only possible by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus promised us our Advocate in John 14:16. In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit was given and continues to be given to anyone who admits, believes and confesses Jesus as Lord. We are not alone. We can keep in step with the Spirit because He resides in us.

Living by the Spirit is doing the things He wants us to do. Not trusting in our own ideas and belief system, but leaning on Him to lead and guide us. When we acknowledge Him we give the Spirit reign in our lives. We lay down our will and follow the will of the Father.

Jesus modeled this for us in a powerful way in the Garden (Mark 14:32-36). We are to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5), so we too, are called to die to self and live for Christ.

Many times in this long ( 3 years and counting) journey with the feet, I have wanted to give up, wanted to scream, have a pity party and more. It is not easy to be in a time of affliction. Honestly it stinks. My heart wants to run around and do what I was doing before. I want to live a life without limitations, without constant reminders of ailing feet and now a very sore body that is learning how to walk and bear weight as it was designed to do. Every moment I know I have broken feet - recovering feet. Every. Single. Moment.

Keeping in step with the Spirit, is forgetting what is behind and pressing on toward the prize (Philippians 3:12-14) and keeping focus on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). It is leading my mind onto things of God and kingdom. It is dwelling on Him, not on my feet. It is taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5) and giving my mind something else to think about:

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8 (NLT)

This my dear ones, is the real battlefield. Our minds. It is here where keeping in step starts. When our minds are in proper focus, all other things blur and fade into the background. Our focus is razor-sharp on the Lord of all Creation and His kingdom and nothing else matters except pleasing Him.

In spite of broken feet, I can be assured of a steady gait when I keep in step in this manner. And life will be abundant, good and filled with joy; more importantly, filled with Jesus.


Father God, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit as my Helper and Guide. I cannot do life without You. I cannot keep in step with You without Your very Presence in me. Please help me to stay focused, think on that which honors You and not get distracted. When I do lose focus, please help me to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ because I want to please You, and it starts here. In the Name of Jesus and His power all things are possible. AMEN. AMEN. AMEN.

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