You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)

Peace can be allusive, especially in today’s culture. Everything seems to be at breakneck speed, dog-eat-dog, and over-extension. We are a maxed-out people, trying to keep up with our own schedules and that of our loved ones. Calendars are bulging, dinner is on the go or in the car and crashing into bed is the norm. Our health is suffering with high blood pressure, unstable sugars and unexplained everything.
How did we get here?
We could blame it on post-pandemic catch-up, which could be true, even now these two years later. Or, life is just plain busy.
Whether it’s world-wide peace or more personal, peace seems to be how we measure happiness, contentment, joy, and love. If I am at peace with someone, I feel love, acceptance, and joy. I am content to just be. There’s a desire to engage in conversation and togetherness. No strife, no conflict. Peace.

God gives peace to those whose minds are staid on Him. Meaning, we fix our minds on Him and the things that are of Him – Scripture, Jesus, church, others, serving, pleasing Him and seeking the filling of the Holy Spirit every day. Keeping our minds on God can be difficult at times because so much is clamoring for attention at the same time. Bells and whistles go off at rapid fire pace, the dog and pony show is screaming for attendance, and agendas demand action.
But, when I focus on Him, I do have peace. Incredible peace.
Living with an affliction and enduring suffering for 4.5 years has its own set of stressors – recovery, pain, the doubt of full and complete recovery, abrupt life change, inability to do what I want, the necessity of saying no to things that bring me joy. It is hard to believe I am at this place for this long. Where has the time gone? Honestly though, I have felt every moment because of the pain, but mercifully the days are stringing together rather quickly with the intensity being dulled somewhat, or, dare I say it - I am getting used to it.
Knowing I am not alone gives me peace. Knowing I can know Christ better through affliction gives me joy, it gives me purpose, it’s what keeps me going every day. There are times of complete peace all day long, and there are moments of peace throughout a painful day.
Having just gone through an extremely painful day, I was exhausted and could not think beyond getting home and putting my feet up. I had been out at meetings, and a birthday lunch, all the while my feet were reminding me how much they wanted attention – my attention. My classic footwear of hiking boots with socks and a dress may be stylish, but it’s getting old.
I want to kick off my boots and run barefoot. I want to jump in the pool. I want to go all day without thinking about my feet. It’s not possible right now. Rising above screaming feet is, at times, insurmountable. While others are filling me in on their lives, my face is attempting to smile, my heart is trying to being compassionate and my ears are attuned to listening – however inside, what you don’t see is an attempt to quiet the pain so I can focus, an attempt to rise above and be joyful when all I want to do is crumble.
I’m being honest – pain is real and it hurts. Knowing this is part of my recovery process helps (very slightly), but my reality has a blurred finish line. I once thought this part of my marathon would be over, but now, I am tired of trying to figure it out. What can I do now, in this time which would bring honor and glory to God? Because I am still living and still have a purpose and a call. It is not about me, after all. But rather, about the LORD and giving Him honor in my suffering.
Giving thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV

How do I keep going?
I keep going by intentionally staying my mind on Christ, rather than on the feet. Oh, my feet want ALL my attention. So does Jesus. In reading Scripture, I see I need to make it my aim to find out what pleases God (Ephesians 5:10). Nowhere does the Bible mention pleasing my feet. Yes, doing what I can to promote healing is very important, but somehow, I have to rise above the immediate and focus on the eternal.
It is here where I have peace – God’s perfect peace. Lasting peace. Sustaining peace.
Father, I thank You for this perfect peace as it is what I need most. When life around me is crazy, You are not. You are steadfast and You help me to stay in You. May I not get lost in my affliction, but rather honor You with it. May I choose to please You in all I say and do. This is my prayer. Please help me to remain steadfast in You. In Jesus’s name, AMEN.