And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house, yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. Matthew 7:25 AMP
Nothing says delicious more than: milk and cookies. Peanut butter and chocolate. Cheeseburger and fries. Cake and coffee. Pizza and root beer. Bagels and lox.
That little and takes a ho-hum dish to a whole new level. A proper one, a correct one in our own opinions and makes life a little sweeter – if just for that one moment.
Or, we may have had these and’s in our lives: for better or worse, in sickness and health. Snow and wind. Family and friends. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
And’s are part of our lives – making them much richer, sweeter and even more complicated, at times. I am thankful for the and’s because my life would be rather dull without them. Nobody rattling around my home but me. But I have a husband and children and their spouses and a grandchild. Yes, I am thankful for my people.
I have Jesus as my very best Friend. And I have Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. And I have the Word and prayer, and purpose to follow and seek God in all things.
Yes, and’s are important. And good.
Jesus gave us the above verse when He was wrapping up the Sermon on the Mount. It is basically His last illustration, point and parable. He left His audience with this ringing in their ears as they walked home, talking with their families, friends, or while being introspective on this massive exchange from the Son of God.
Jesus found it necessary to remind them, and us – the reading audience – to remember this little word and.

Because when you look at the context of the story, it is house building, location, materials. And weather conditions. All these are important components of a home. What we seldom see is this word, and.
In one statement, Jesus is telling us storms will come. Winds will rip around the house, rains will fall potentially causing a collapse of the family home if a proper foundation has not been laid.
Jesus knew we would encounter storms. Life is full of storms. Life is full of howling winds, torrential rains, freezing sleet, wind chill and wind mph which can make us miserable. It is not a matter of if, but when. It is not a matter of never experiencing storms but because we have Jesus as our Shepherd, He is the true foundation, the support that holds us up in those storms.
I had not ever looked at this parable this way until I read my devotional this morning. The pastor highlighted this point. And it stuck me in the heart. It hit a chord which caused me to pause. To meditate on the foundation I have built my life on, my hope on, my everything.
For the last 5 years, my foundation endured much shaking. So much weather I was really unsure I could take it any more. It was rough. Tough. Agonizing. Painful. Stretching. Seemingly unending.
Did Jesus change? No, because –
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 NLT
The Foundation underneath my ‘house’ will not crumble, will not fade, will not need to be changed out. He is the solid Rock. The bedrock. The Cornerstone. He is immovable. Unshakeable. Firm. Strong. Never-ending. Mine.
How about you? Is Jesus your firm Foundation upon which you have built your life, marriage, family, business? Is Jesus at the very center of everything you touch? Is Jesus the Rock to which you turn to, the Rock to which you cling to, the Rock on which you stand?
If not, why not? Do you need a restart? A start? A reminder? Jesus is far from simple, but our relationship with Him begins simply and with sincerity. It’s really a matter of ABC.
A – admit you need Him, are a sinner, He is God.
B – believe He is real, for you, loves you, has you.
C – confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” commit your life to Him, change the course of your life (the definition of repent) to follow Him.
Jesus is indeed part of our and’s. And so much more.
Father God, I thank You that Jesus told us this story. I need to be reminded of the Foundation, the and, the hope I can and do, have in You. I will build upon You and hold onto You now and forever. AMEN
