My heart, O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music with all my soul.
Psalm 108:1 NIV
Being steadfast is to be anchored, have sure footing, and holding on without letting go. Anchored to Jesus, having feet on the solid foundation of Christ and holding onto Him as we traverse life in the valleys, the paths, the byways.
Part of suffering is learning to be steadfast in our hope. Hope to be healed, and hope Jesus hears, sees and will restore us one day.
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.
Hebrews 6:19a NIV
With this hope, we can and should sing. Not the tunes we hear in the elevator or store, but with music welling up from our heart and soul to God for His anchor, and His steadfastness to us. He is faithful and true.
But what do we do if we don’t play an instrument or cannot carry a tune (even in a bucket)?
In Hebrew, this verse has the word sheer - to sing, to behold. Isn’t that just rich? To have this desire to sing and behold our LORD? And what do we see in this beholding? The face of God.
So, even if we cannot sing, we can behold the Saviour of the world. And, even if we feel we cannot sing, we can utter music from our hearts – a tune directly from our hearts to His.
So, we got the singing down – in the middle of the night as we are restless because of the pain, anguish and unrelenting suffering. But how can we make music? Are our tears and cries music to God? I do not have an answer for that, but I do know God desires an honest walk with Him, and cries, sobs, tears and more are our communication to Him. We can:
Approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 NIV
There is no shame in the throne room, only love, acceptance and grace. Praise God!
To make music in Hebrew is zaw-mar which is to make music by playing upon an instrument, striking with the fingers, to make music with accompany of voice.
Did you know you can make music with your hands by clapping? Or by doing a steady beat with a stick on a rock? Yes, when we do such in the name of the Lord and for His praise and glory, it is beautiful. Add our voice, and voila, a worship time between you and God.
Even in the pain, the suffering and anguish, we can do these things. It is here faith steps in. In faith we give thanks and hold on. In faith we proclaim God's goodness. In faith we shout Hallelujah!
Haven't you been touched by one in a wheelchair, in a hospital room or quietly living but suffering - haven't you been touched by the sincerity of love for God by ones such as these?
Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. Ephesians 5:10
Yes, in working through this verse, we are carefully determining what pleases Him. Singing, making music, and being steadfast in our hearts with faith, hope and love for Him.
We could say – it is music to His ears. And well we should.
Let this be our anthem today, and every day. Let us be confident in our abundance of music, words and worship. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, after all.
LORD, You alone are worthy of worship, my worship. I give You my words, my sounds, my making of music. I come to You with sincere thankfulness for all that You are and all that You do. It is more than enough. I am in awe of Your goodness. My anthem and my song today is: I love You now, more than yesterday and I will continue to seek You, praise and worship You with my whole heart holding steadfast to You. AMEN