Who does not love to belly up to a sumptuous feast? You know, a Thanksgiving table full of incredible eatables. Or a table maybe with lesser of the fancy stuff but the company is amazing. I like both of these tables. Relish them actually.

As a woman in my home, my table is a place where I express myself the most. In meal preparation and in décor and ambience. In a hurry…then sandwiches and fruit. More time, all the stops are pulled out and it is salad, a protein, a vegetable or two side, a carbohydrate and to top it off a dessert. Not counting the flowers and candles on the table, cloth napkins and my favorite instrumental worship music in the background. Not every meal can be like this, but we do like to create this at dinner because it is when we are gathered together after a long day.
Conversations are less hurried, food flows pretty freely, and a lingering takes place. This is the table that I enjoy inviting people to sit their feet under. Even if it is hot dogs and chips, there is always room for one more. Or two or three. At my farm, all are welcome.

In the Bible there are many tables mentioned. The king’s table. The Passover Feast. The table for the shew bread. The Last Supper table. The communion table. The table at Mary and Martha’s. Zacchaeus’s table. The wedding supper of the Lamb. Each of these tables are different and serve a different purpose.
But not all tables have joy unleashed. Many do, but not all. If you were to look at a few of these tables, you will notice resentment and bitterness. Or betrayal. At the king’s table there was much pomp and circumstance. And plotting for future take overs – I imagine Herod’s table was one such table.
The question I am asking myself – what table do I regularly put my feet under? The table where resentment is food for fodder? The one where all the talk centers on getting what I want – like the table where Judas was present? Or, am I sitting at the table where God’s love is shared and expounded upon?
Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles He performs for His people. Psalm 66:5

Am I asking for a second helping of this? Or am I asking my family or guests to come and see what this new dish is because it is absolutely delicious? Come and try it, you’ll love it. I made it just for you. Is this the conversation that is going on around the table? Or, am I serving up liver and onions and no one at all cares for this food, but I keep serving it anyways? Keep passing it around for second helpings, totally skipping over the fact that no one ate the first?
I’ve been known to do that. It’s not pretty.
When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony. Proverbs 23:2
This verse came to me this morning as I was praying through this post. Am I gluttonous at a table of bitter herbs? Of the liver and onion variety? Do I belly up more often than not to a table filled with criticism, complaints and resentment? Do I find that my feet gravitate to these options for dinner, or there’s nothing in the fridge, so I might as well serve up these.
Or, better yet, do I take them out and serve them up as leftovers the next day? Ouch. There’s a sting in that one.
The table that I need to put my feet under is the Lord’s table. The one where I do things in remembrance of Him. He suffered and died for me. He suffered the ultimate sacrifice because of His great love not only for me, but for all of mankind. This is the table where I need to put my feet under and ask others to taste and see that the Lord is good. He IS good. His food is of finest quality because it is made by the Master’s hand.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Psalm 23:5
Jesus Himself prepares our food. At His table for us. And I believe it is everything I want and more. Every little craving I have, it’s there. And Jesus serves up this food while my feet are under His table. More importantly, He is there with me.
Yes, this is where I want my feet to be. Come, see and eat there with me.
