And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NLT
I know this verse. Have memorized it, quoted it, and applied it to my life countless times, but I saw something new this morning.

This folks is how we know God’s Word is alive.
Scripture speaks and our job is to listen. For today, it is about this word know.
What things do you know? Your age, your address, your name. Your favorite food, coffee, dinner options. You know you don’t like liver and onions (I mean, who does?), and you know that your favorite vacation spot must include water (or am I the only one who knows this?). We know stats on ball players, last week’s high temperature and a myriad of information that may or may not be necessary in the grand scheme of things.
How about God? What do we know about Him? He is faithful – Psalm 18:25 tells us this:
To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity.
Have you seen His faithfulness in your life? Many times God asks us in Scripture to remember because we tend to forget. We get so stuck on today or the future that we forget His goodness in the past.

We know God is love (I John 4:16). We know Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 4:6). We know He leads, He provides, He is able, He is good.
Struggling to know these things about God? Please take the time to ask God to reveal them to you in a way you can understand. He will answer that prayer – I know, because He has answered that prayer of mine. Countless times.
Back to my mutton. To know that in all things God works good. In my Bible I have begun circling all. There’s a lot of alls, y’all. And here we have an important one – all things are stamped with His goodness. It’s as if our stuff goes through a car wash and ends up cleansed with His goodness. He is good and what He does is good. (Psalm 119:68) No question about it.

We may doubt, but doubt leads to fear and mistrust and it’s a downward spiral from there. Paul writes that we know God works good in all things. Aren’t we to thank Him for all things? Right there if we have a posture of thankfulness then we can see God’s goodness working as we release our vice grip on the circumstance and give God permission to work. I have found that allowing God to work is much easier than having Him pry open my hands – it bodes better if I start with open hands.
We see two ‘conditions’ in this verse filled with promise. #1 – We have to love Him. It only takes a spark to begin the love and we can only love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). Love will wax and wane, develop it’s own language and be more than you can imagine, especially when you pour yourself into it. #2 – We have been called. This condition is all on God. He does the calling, we do not call ourselves. He enables and equips, gives and restores. He works good in our hearts.
To know this is assurance. It’s knowing God is faithful and good; He does good, so I am assured He will knit good together to/in us, in Christ Jesus.
Looking at the Greek, we see to know is i’do, meaning to see. However, when used with the perfect verb tense it means know. With this tense there is a sense that the action is completed – each moment of our lives God works all together in full completeness and we shall know it – so I guess it boils down to faith.
Without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6
Do I believe God will do what He says He will do, or do I waffle in this statement? Do I know without a shadow of doubt that God is God? If not, why not? Work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:13). Work it out. Get on the wrestling mat with God and hold on until you know God is God. It may take some time, but in the end, what have you got to lose? Nothing. What have you got to gain? Everything.
For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose. Philippians 2:13
God is good. He does good, for our good and His good purpose.
I know. Do you?
LORD, I want to know You more. Really know You so doubts cannot stick or take up residence. I want to see Your goodness in my life and in the lives around me. I want to remember Your faithfulness in the past so I can be assured of Your faithfulness in the future. You are good, amazing, worthy. I lay down my fears and walk in Your goodness, in completeness in You. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus. AMEN

Wanting to go farther, but maybe need a little something? Download and print this study on Philippians 4:6-7, THE SEARCH: How Then Shall We Live.